Di Livio: “Burdisso and Pjanic are great players”


    In the last matches Nicolas Burdisso and Miralem Pjanic didn’t play in the starting eleven. The Roma’s coach Zdenek Zeman instead of Burdisso has preferred like central defender the young brasilian Marquinhos.  In midfield the bosnian player had to face the competion of Tachtsidis, Florenzi and Bradley, that Zeman judges better suited to his kind of play, and for this reason Pjanic has often been a reserve. The former Juventus and Fiorentina player, Angelo Di Livio, iterviewed by Radio Mana’ Mana’ sport, talked about the value of the argentianian defender and the bosnian midfielder.

    “The Roma’s fans  – explained Di Livio – are used to transform the great palyers in bad players. Before it happened with Burdisso, and now it’s happening with Pjanic. The most beautiful thing of Burdisso is his love for the colors of Roma. He’s a real leader and he can’t be questioned.




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